Friday, July 18, 2014

3. Features and Benefits of SodaStream


  • Sodastream is present in more than 45 countries and 60,000 locations worldwide
  • An alternative to plastic bottles and cans
  • Less manufacturing, less transportation, less waste
  • 1 SodaStream carbonator makes 60 or 110 liters, equivalent to 170 or 310 aluminum cans
  • 1 SodaStream bottle eliminates 2,000 plastic bottles and cans per household from landfills every year


  • Cost effective: Excluding CO2 costs, making cola at home costs the equivalent of $ 0.15/can
  • Health and wellness:: SodaStream offers a healthier alternative with less sugar, carbs and calories
  • Big flavor portfolio: SodaStream provides over 100 hundred different flavors
  • Environment-friendly: SodaStream uses water straight from the tap, avoids pollution from the production, packaging and transport of bottled beverages
  • Convenient: No more lugging heavy bottles and 12-packs


  1. Is it available in the US yet or Im missing out?
    I wonder what Coke and Pepsi have to say about it.
    Great concept but wait how much would the CO2 cost?

    1. Of course. Here is a map that could help you find one of the SodaStream:
      For the 60L Carbonators, it costs around $30.

    2. You can get it for $15 if you bring them back the used one.

  2. Wow! Now you can make your own soda!
    What caught my attention was how it is Eco-friendly and a healthier alternative to regular soda.
    I wonder what type of flavors they have because 100 is a fairly large number and I don't think they actually have brand flavors such as Sprite, Coke, or Pepsi.
    The only concern with this product would be the taste. I would image most of the flavors would taste like a mixture of juice and club-soda.
    Other than that, great product!

  3. I still believe that this is an excellent idea! However, I am wondering how SodaStream could compete with its large competitors, Coca Cola or Pepsi. As someone mentioned before, they could have similar flavors to these brands, but a lot of these companies have a loyal fan base. I am interested to see how your marketing plan will address this area of concern. Nonetheless, this is a cool product!

  4. Now the entire market is going crazy about how a company goes to eco-friendly, so it is so important to mention how this product saves environment! In fact, this post really attracts me to buy one of these!

  5. wow it's so interesting I didn't know you can make your own soda for 15 cents. I'm not a soda person, but It really got my attention. I think Im going to buy one for my dad
    by the way i think you guys should take a survey and see if soda lovers would buy this product or not.

  6. I definitely like the idea of SodaStream as it also helps limit your intake of soda. It is far easier to make a limited amount of soda for consumption than to buy a 1 liter or 6-12 pack of soda and be tempted to drink it all in one sitting. No self-control, I know and admit it!

  7. does the same company that makes the soda stream also make the flavors or are they made by different companies? i would imagine if Coke or Pepsi made the flavors that you would be able to associate those big name with the soda stream and gain a huge amount of customers because consumers would know they are getting the same product form campaniles they know and trust. if that were to happen there would have to be some kind of licensing agreement between the two. i just think this product has great potential if marketed right.

  8. I think you have a strong competitors because people still buy soft drink in supermarket or retailing stores. I feel that not many people know this product. Also, it can be used at home only. If you make your drinks, you need to spend your time to do it. I mean this product may be good for health and environment, but we need to spend more time and money on it. So I think this product is interesting, but I probably won't buy this product.

  9. It's a really good product for saving our planet. How will you promote the product? If you can persuade every household to have one, our environment will become better!

  10. I'm not a big soda fan, but I know many people who are. Soda really isn't healthy for you, obviously. I know quitting is hard, so I like how your product makes the soda a little healthier with less sugar and I love that it's eco-friendly. I think I might just buy my mom one. She loves Coke too much.
